Plumbing Heating and Ventilation service technicians need to carry bottles of Nitro, CO2 or Brazing torch gases to pressure test systems, purge a system, blow out coils, or solder or repair lines. The Electrical/Telecom package is designed to satisfy y...
Here's a great truck for Concrete Cutting contractors, a 12 foot saw body has plenty of cabinets and is backed up with an Interlift conventional liftgate. It is as functionally effective as it is good looking. Notice the huge locking compa...
Roll-Up Boxes are an ideal choice for those who need storage with a lid that can move completely out of the way of your workspace. Fire-fighters, emergency workers, on-site contractors and many other professionals across various industries find the ext...
The Harbor Lo-Pro Workmaster on a SRW Cut-AwayThe Harbor WorkMaster is a Service Body with a roof and additional useful features. Available in a 10' (10' 4") for the single rear wheel cutaway chassis, perfect plumbers or HVAC truck, and is also useful ...
Get all the power you need in this small air compressor. No air tank required. The G30 gas drive air compressor with 30 CFM rotary screw air power.