A Warehouse On Wheels By Harbor Truck Bodies
Here's a body that was nearing completion when the photos were taken. We need to call this a Warehouse On Wheels considering how much this body can carry, but the real name is a Harbor 11' TradeMaster Service Body. It has some options. This unit has 56" compartments except the front compartments are 60" tall. The front compartments are set up for welder bottles with bottle brackets and rings and vented doors. Notice that the horizontal compartment over the wheel wells is now a vertical compartment and has much more space than usual. This unit also sports an 19" Floor Extension for a work platform to get some quick jobs done in the field. All this was mounted on a Ford Super Duty 450/550 chassis.
We are happy to help you with the body that suits your needs. Give us a call at 800-433-9452 and visit our website at http://www.htbi.net/.