Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Who Says A Work Truck Actually Has To Do Work? We Could Just Look At This One!

What a sweet rig this is! Super nice Ford Crew Cab uplevel truck and then there is this black beauty of a body. . . but not just a plain old body, this one has some twists.

How many welders do you see rolling around in rigs like this? Yet that's what this ends up being, or at least functioning with the custom space for the welder machine. Then, notice that it has a closed top on the streetside where the welder opening is and an open top lid on the curbside. This also has tie downs in the floor and a spray on bedliner to make it so durable. But, it look so good just looking at it! We'll just pull up some lounge chairs, pass around some brewskies and admire this beauty!

Maybe Harbor could build you one too. Call Kimberly at 800-433-9452 and visit our website at