Sunday, December 06, 2015


NOVI, MI – Hino Trucks is pleased to announce custom color conventional trucks beginning with
truck colors that customers can order as a factory option or color match to their customized request.
“Inside the Hino cab and under the hood, Hino offers the most comprehensive package of standard features in the market.satisfaction and these customize availability of varying paint colors their truck uniquely their own or Vice President of Marketing, Dealer Operations and Product

Hino will now offer a wide variety of exterior with the 2017MY. At Hino, we strive to achieve a higher level of customer customizable paint options have yet again raised that ba now provides customers with a convenient way to create a visually harmonized truck fleet,” said Glenn Ellis, Planning for Hino Trucks 4-7 conventional and cab-over Michigan, Hino boasts a network of over of ownership, superior fuel economy

Hino Trucks is the premier medium duty nameplate in the United States with a product ineup that offers the lowest total cost reliability and maneuverability or follow us on

About Hino:
Hino Trucks, a Toyota Group Company, assembles, sells, and services the most environmentally friendly lineup of Class 4 trucks in the United States. Headquartered in Novi,MI

Hino Motors Sales U.S.A., Inc.
Novi, MI 48375 Ph (248) 699-9300

For More Information:
Glenn Ellis, Vice President
Marketing and Dealer Operations
Hino Motors Sales U.S.A., Inc.

2017MY. Hino will now offer a wide variety of exterior At Hino, we strive to achieve a higher level of customer customizable paint options have yet again raised that ba now provides customers with a convenient way to create a visually harmonized truck fleet,” said Glenn Ellis, Planning for Hino Trucks 4-7 conventional and cab-over Michigan, Hino boasts a network of over of ownership, superior fuel economy

For more information, visit our internet home page at Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.